The Rise of a New Apostlic Gift

by | Nov 19, 2015 | Apostle, Culture, Five-Fold Ministry, Future, Kingdom of God, Leadership, Supernatural | 1 comment

The terrorist attacks in Paris have given us a glimpse into
a new and unfamiliar future. As our collective head turns looking for direction
many solutions are being offered. Much of what is coming forth are solutions sourced
in historic remedies that were used in the past, but will not be able to stem
the tide of the much larger hydra-headed issues facing our world.

In the last several decades, many in the Church have turned
to cultural anthropologists and historians for direction. While their insight is interesting, they can
only offer insight from history – from the known data of the past. They offer a way forward based only on the predictable
and limited database of history.

Historic data has a problem – it lacks the prophetic insight
of fresh revelation. Prophecy by its very nature reveals what is not yet known.
We are in one of those moments where we need revelation. We are engaging
battles without traditional frontiers. Terrorists are not fighting from
recognized battlefronts that line the physical geography of a nation. They can kill in a café or a concert hall.
Hunger is no longer “over there”, but down the street behind the façade of what
appears to be Middle America. Lives are being sexually trafficked beyond the
glitz of Vegas in the small towns once poetically painted by the brush of Norman

In this confusing landscape of a rapidly changing and frontier-less
world culture, a new apostolic gift is rising. This gift will not seek solutions by first going to the records of history
or to available research data to find its answer. These new apostles will first listen to what
the Spirit is saying. This will be their first action step. From a place of
revelation they will craft a way forward.

What is happening is part of a much larger reformation taking
within the Church. This reformation will
require a departure from our dependence on the predictable patterns of history
to find a way forward. As this takes place, these new apostles will be revealed
to us when they approach what appears to be an impenetrable cultural frontier
and are able to step through its restrictive barrier into a previously undiscovered
future our known history was not able to predict.

1 Comment

  1. Meech

    Excellent word!


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