by | Jul 10, 2023 | Prophetic | 3 comments

I believe we have entered a critical juncture in human history. The Lord is bringing all things together toward a point of convergence. He is employing unusual and unimagined ways to accomplish that convergence and fulfill the intent of His will.

In the last year, I’ve had several very detailed and graphic dreams. These dreams came with such clarity of sight and sound they were indistinguishable from real life.  In each dream, I was taken into conversations where significant decisions were being considered. I delivered a word to those in attendance that would influence their decision-making process. In each dream, I had a choice to speak or not to speak. My will was still in play. I was not taken to these situations to simply observe what was happening or have some fantastical dream world experience. I was there on assignment. 

Why am I writing this, even risking my credibility with some? I write this to raise our awareness, not to create a playground for our imaginations. I believe the gift of prophecy is not limited by time and space. Prophetic words are birthed in timeless eternity and can easily move through the rigidity of our present reality influencing a context that exists outside our current plane of reference. 

Paul shared about the time he was taken to the third heaven to see and experience things for which he had no point of reference. “Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows” (II Corinthians 12:2). As Paul said, regarding our ability to understand some things, “I do not know.” I don’t either when it comes to these unusual dreams.

My daughter, Anna, has a master’s degree in creative writing. She’s also a Fulbright scholar. Her education and gifting have opened unique doors. Anna spent a few years teaching literature at a high school on the Pacific Island of Saipan. I quote a portion of an article she wrote titled, “Toward”, from her blog at

“When I taught literature to high school students on the Micronesian island of Saipan, I began the year with the Anglo-Saxon text of Beowulf. (That juxtaposition was a bit weird all by itself.) I explained to my seniors that the word “weird” stems from an Anglo-Saxon verb meaning “to become.”  As a noun: wyrd. Unlike our contemporary version, which is slightly negative, wyrd was positive. It was linked to one’s destiny and meant “supernatural.” Wyrd is an ongoing, continual happening— “that which happens.” 

Perhaps we have allowed too many voices, some within the Church, to diminish our consideration of the weird ways of God – His supernatural ways. These experiences are outside the realm of our natural understanding or ability to explain, like being sent in a dream to a different place and time to deliver a prophetic word.  Some of what we are told to dismiss as folly may be the very way in which God will release on Earth something hard to comprehend or explain yet is considered normal within the environment of Heaven. 

If how the Lord chooses to use us seems “wyrd”, and requires obedience on our part, we will need to be willing to step over our fear of what others think and simply obey the Lord. The weird-sounding acts of faith recorded in Scripture are the ones that brought to most impactful results. The same is true today when so much of God’s miraculous and strange ways have been explained away or dismissed as no longer possible.


  1. Katherine

    Wow!! This is weirdly wonderful! I’ve experienced dreams where I gave words of destiny to people I’ve never met. I am grateful to learn that the term “wyrd” has good connotations! Holy Spirit is speaking strongly to me through this today. Bless you!!

  2. Diana Katona

    Soooooo good
    I am experiencing something similar
    Thank you

  3. Opa

    Sometimes in my dreams I am sure I am ministering healing to someone or prophesying over some one. I am sure its actual ministry and not just a dream.


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