You are sitting in your boat. The waves of your daily routine are splashing
against the hull in monotonous predictability. As you wonder about the next step in your life you hear the Lord speak,
“Step out and come to Me.” Between you and His voice is an unexplored path – a
watery way where you know your faith will be tested.
You have heard it said only faith is able to walk
on water. You also know fear is like a
leaden weight that can pull you down beneath the waves if you yield to its
voice. When it was written that you could do all things through Christ it was
not meant as some cheesy greeting card slogan. It was a promise of solid steps
in watery places.
You are about to enter a season of water
walking. What appears to be an unsure platform under your feet will become rock
solid and sure. When God calls, respond to His voice and you will walk with Him
into a new and miraculous destination.