The Glacier Has Changed Direction

by | Nov 20, 2021 | Prophetic | 2 comments

I woke up this morning seeing the image of an immense glacier changing its direction of travel. The image was given to inform me that a significant shift has taken place in the spiritual realm and that shift is now manifesting in the natural realm. 

Glaciers are like our assumptions. They hide the terrain beneath. The gritty and grinding moraine-producing reality of a working glacier remains out of sight to undiscerning eyes. 

Something has shifted in the last month beneath the surface and out of sight of our assumptions. What was assumed would be an unchangeable forward direction – a direction leading to an unsavory future – has been rerouted. Shallow inquiries have been made about the events taking place atop this glacier of assumption, ignoring the deeper reality that God was at work beneath the surface creating a new way forward. 

The Lord is shifting the direction of our personal and cultural glaciers cutting through the mountains of deception forming new canyons and passes that can only be seen with the eyes of faith. All is not lost when God is at work no matter what the surface evidence declares.

Those who followed the assumptions prepared for them by their intellectual and spiritual handlers, and not the Spirit of God, will be confused and dismayed when this new direction is finally revealed.  Those who trusted God even when it appeared all was lost, will live in peace knowing the Lord has been at work beneath the surface, even if the surface evidence told a different story.

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). 


  1. Anna McIver

    I believe this..

  2. John James Anderson

    Brilliant metaphor, Garris. Glaciers also level mountains and create new ones. They fill in old rivers, straighten crooked paths, and create new watersheds and lakes. They strip topsoil and create new fertile farmland from rocky and desert plains. Usually, they move so slowly until the last phase of their movement that is often called a cataclysm.

    I think the sum of many prophetic words these recent years could be labeled as “preparation – transition – new season – be patient – and SUDDENLY.” These themes seem consistent with the prophetic image of a glacier that you are seeing.


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