This morning, as I prayed about a coming new season in my
own life, I began to hear the Lord speak, not only to me, but also to many in
the Church who sense an old season has passed and a new season has come.
I am calling you to
exploits in My Kingdom that are beyond human qualification and religious pedigree.
I am calling you to places of raw faith where your first step will seem to be
without reason or explanation. These exploits are not sourced in a power that
comes from what you will bring to the encounter. These are works of My presence that I will invite
you to come and experience. They are encounters made manifest apart from human qualification,
strength or ability.
Did Paul’s education
qualify him for what I had planned for his life after Damascus Road? Was Moses
qualified as a leader when he stood before the burning bush? Was David
qualified as a king when he ran towards Goliath in the Valley of Elah? Was
Peter qualified as an apostle to My Church when I restored him on the shores of
Galilee and said, ‘Feed My sheep?’ No, none of these servants stood before Me
with the qualifications of man. I used them because of their faith in Me.
These new exploits have
their launching point far beyond human understanding and far beyond the resources
you think you will need to gather before you obey My voice. Around your step of
faith I will assemble all you need to accomplish what I will set before you. Resources
that are now hidden will appear in the light of your faith. I will ask you to step
through the warnings of man and the fear that has limited My people in this
past season.
This is a new day that
I have made and its fullness and joy is waiting for you to believe that what I
have declared will be possible. I am the One – it is My voice speaking and
inviting you to these exploits. Have confidence that I have created you to do
what is about to take place upon the earth.
I am calling you to
stand before these supernatural exploits naked of human qualification. Confidence in your natural strength and
abilities is a thief that wants to rob you of your faith in My ability to
accomplish what seems to be impossible. Trust in Me – I am the God who
qualifies and empowers. I am the God in
Whom you must place your trust.