1,000 Alarms

by | Aug 24, 2014 | Fear, Hope, Kingdom of God, Peace, Prayer, Trust | 0 comments

(*Note to reader: This word came to me this morning at 3:30 a.m. as a 6.1 earthquake took place just south of us in Northern California. These words of encouragement and their timing are not by accident.)

As you walk through culture it feels like you have entered a room with 1,000 alarm clocks all set to the worst fears people can imagine. There is a tension in the air as people choose to live in the anticipation of disaster. Some of these alarms have been set to go off at the mention of wars, rumors of wars and natural disaster. Other alarms are set to go off when a relationship breaks down or some form of pestilence begins to sweep the land.

Pick up your alarm clock and turn it off. Don’t be like those who have chosen to sleep through the night relying on being awakened by the alarm of their individual fear. You have been called to stay awake through the night to pray, believe and trust.

You carry the presence of the risen Christ. Under His feet are all the things that cause people to live in fear. As a believer, you now reside in Jesus Christ at the right hand of God the Father sharing in His victory over death and His position of preeminence over all the things that steal peace and instill fear. Turning off your personal alarm is an act of love that will cast out the wanting to take control of your life. In doing so you will find that deeper place of rest that only comes from being fully awake spiritually living in the presence of God.


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