A Reset is Taking Place

The word “reset” has been mentioned recently by several prophetic voices. I agree. We have entered a moment in history where individuals, ministries, and each sphere of cultural influence will have an opportunity to experience a Spirit-empowered reset. In 2016, I...

Vetted Truth

Only God can create honest headlines. The rest is human opinion. Be careful what you determine to be true based on another person’s opinion. Even so-called evidence can be biased if not vetted by God’s Spirit.

A Turn Around

An unexpected turn of events is about to take place. It will turn expected events around to align them with outcomes not considered. Hold onto your faith and to your peace. God is at work behind the scenes doing something not visible with natural sight. Reserve your...

The Pleasure of God

We will never be able to learn enough or work hard enough to please God. His pleasure is not sourced in our doing, but in our being.  At the end of all our striving and repeated failure, we will eventually meet the mercy of God. Knowing God is merciful beyond our...