by Garris Elkins | Feb 29, 2020 | Change, Church, Culture, Deliverance, Discipleship, Discipline, Lordship
In life, we will either be drawn deeper into the heart of God by the wind of the Spirit or drift farther away by the influencing currents of personal preference or popular culture. At no time are we floating in a spiritual doldrum without movement in either...
by Garris Elkins | Feb 28, 2020 | Courage, Death, Deliverance, Discipleship, Forgiveness, Grace, Holy Spirit, Spiritual Warfare, Trust, Wisdom
As God blesses you and your particular Kingdom assignment, it will be important to not claim ownership of anything God has done as the result of your faithfulness. These moments are a test of our hearts, especially when those who abandoned us amid a...
by Garris Elkins | Feb 15, 2020 | Discipleship, Discipline, Redemption, Relationships, Restoration
Recently, I was asked to write a contributing chapter to a book about prophecy. In my introductory remarks, I wanted to introduce the reader to the reality of my life in the Spirit. I wrote, “In this chapter, I have assembled some thoughts I hope will help you steward...
by Garris Elkins | Feb 13, 2020 | Death, Discernment, Discipleship, Humility, Integrity, Justice, Leadership, Obedience, Pride, Spiritual Warfare, Truth, Wisdom
What made King David such an effective leader and a man after God’s own heart was his willingness to inquire of the Lord for direction before he took action. On the few occasions when David did not inquire of the Lord, death, sorrow, and heartache took place. Each of...
by Garris Elkins | Feb 9, 2020 | Apostle, Church, Discipleship, Five-Fold Ministry, Future, Gifts, Kingdom of God, Ministry, Reformation, Teaching, Truth, Word
While the faith once delivered to the Church is unchangeable and true, our ability to grasp the fullness of that faith may not happen in a single generation. What one generation considered either true or false based on personal or cultural interpretation might be...
by Garris Elkins | Feb 6, 2020 | Discernment, Discipleship, Truth, Wisdom
A spiritual diversion can look and sound righteous. In its appeal, a diversion will attempt to keep you from a deeper work of God. A diversion must carry enough truth to draw the naïve into the flow of its deception. We will always have a mixture of truth and error...