by Garris Elkins | Jul 23, 2017 | Change, Courage, Death, Eternity, Family, Father, Hope, Marriage, Relationships, Resurrection
I am waiting for youin the glory.They are all here, those who left before us, the ones we loved. I look so much different now than you could ever imagine. Whatever that perfect age was in the Earth-life I am there and more. I am forever young in an eternal way perfect...
by Garris Elkins | Jun 27, 2017 | Change, Death, Family, Father, Forgiveenss, Future, Honor, Intimacy, Marriage, Relationships, Thankfulness, Truth, Women
Young men, a life of faith is not meant to be complicated. It is meant to be a simple, authentic and wearable way of life. Young men, a good life is all about intimacy. ...
by Garris Elkins | Jun 13, 2017 | Death, Eternity, Father, Freedom, God, Hope, Jesus, Marriage, Peace, Relationships, Transition, Worship
A friend of mine was talking with Jack Hayford a few weeks ago. Jack’s lovely wife, Anna, had passed away after they shared 62 years of marriage and 60 years together in ministry. My friend posted a single sentence on his Facebook wall from that meeting with Jack. The...
by Garris Elkins | Mar 31, 2017 | Father, Forgivenss, Healing, Identity, Joy, Love, Mercy, Peace
My mother lived 91 years. Mom was the product of a challenging life. Her father left for work one day in the depths of the Depression and never returned. Her mother had to make ends meet as a divorced woman in the South. She opened a boarding house in Alexandria,...
by Garris Elkins | Mar 29, 2017 | Creavity, Destiny, Dreams, Father, Fathers, Favor, Forgiveness, Freedom, God, Honor, Hope, Kingdom, Peace, Promotion, Relationships, Restoration, Spiritual Warfare
Years ago, a man approached me after a Sunday morning service. He was concerned with something I had preached. He was a veteran pastor so his words carried extra weight. In the sermon, I said, “God has no favorites.” He was truly concerned because I think he felt he...
by Garris Elkins | Mar 26, 2017 | Deliverance, Destiny, Father, Freedom, Love, Mercy, Promise, Promotion, Restoration, Tranistion
It feels like you are surrounded by a restricting presence. What you perceive as a negative form of restraint is actually being misinterpreted. This encompassing presence is spiritual scaffolding put in place by God. He is trying to rebuild and retrofit your life like...