by Garris Elkins | Aug 7, 2019 | Change, Courage, Creativity, Deliverance, Destiny, Dreams, Faith, Favor, Future, Gifts, God, Grace, Honor, Hope, Love, Promise, Redemption, Resurrection, Worship
When a life plan falls apart it and a feeling of discouragement arrives, it is too easy to believe a lie that says God has only one plan for our life. In those painful experiences, we can give up because we don’t see a new way forward, thinking we serve a...
by Garris Elkins | Aug 5, 2019 | Gifts, Ministry, Prophecy, Prophetic
The most significant prophetic words are not always spoken from behind a podium in a church service, or by a speaker at a conference. The most significant prophetic words are many times spoken in closed doors gatherings with world-changers whose target is the...
by Garris Elkins | Aug 2, 2019 | Change, Courage, Creativity, Deliverance, Discernment, Favor, Future, Gifts, Hope, Leadership, Promotion, Provision, Relationships, Tranistion
Jan and I are processing the next season of our lives. This is not about the next few months or even a year or two. We are processing decades. Amid this spiritual exercise, the Lord spoke, “You will find a new assignment within your current assignment.” What I...
by Garris Elkins | Jul 29, 2019 | Culture, Dreams, Gifts, Ministry, Miracles, Promise, Revival, Supernatural, Worship
What was burning as a revival fire in the past and appears to have died out has not been fully extinguished. A burning ember of passion always remains. That ember has continued to smolder in the hearts of people waiting for a moment in time, as directed by the Spirit,...
by Garris Elkins | Jul 22, 2019 | Creativity, Culture, Faith, Gifts, Leadership, Pentecost, Promise, Promotion, Rest, Supernatural, Worship
There seems to be an abundance of 30-day challenges out there. Most of them are great. I want to add one with a different twist. I would like to invite you to commit to pray in the Spirit (tongues) for the next 30 days. Commit to pray this way when you first get in...
by Garris Elkins | Jul 22, 2019 | Courage, Deliverance, Discipleship, Discipline, Future, Gifts, Holy Spirit, Intimacy, Promise, Redemption, Sacrifice, Supernatural
Deep water feels different than shallow water. If you have ever jumped off a boat into the middle of a deep lake or out at sea, you will know what I mean. Yes, water is water, but the unknown depths beneath your dangling feet do something to your perception. For many,...