Of Leaves and Life

This week, I raked summer shade into piles, heaps of leaves assembled, the closure of a season. This week, two died younger than me, a friend of a friend another, the father of my daughter’s friend. Perhaps, this is aging, dropping people like leaves raked into piles...

Unexpected Heroes

Unexpected heroes, emerging. Those given up on by the masses, proven in moments reserved for others, the presumed. Unexpected heroes stepping into destinies not imagined.  This is the work of God.

Angry Scissors

Anger rising, creating edges, sharp edges of opinion  always cutting, flashing out  against opposing thought. Our voices becoming angry scissors cutting each other. Why so angry?  Violent words, a bloody  dialogue falling, dripping  red ink...

Quiet Confidence

Somewhere in the journey  we come to realize we were being led  to a place called Quiet Confidence.  Arriving there removes our need to grasp,  to be anxious,  to suffer worry, about our future, about our present, about eternity, about...