by Garris Elkins | May 16, 2019 | Change, Discernment, Discipleship, Future, Integrity, Intimacy, Prayer, Promotion, Relationships, Revelation, Spiritual Warfare, Tranistion, Wisdom, Word, Worship
Your loudest critics have been positioned at the doorway of your future. Many have stalled at this noisy threshold not because they weren’t gifted to function in the future. They stalled because they were unable to handle their critics with wisdom and grace. The...
by Garris Elkins | May 14, 2019 | Apostle, Culture, Discernment, Grace, Honor, Humility, Integrity, Justice, Leadership, Ministry, Promotion, Relationships, Spiritual Warfare, Supernatural, Vision.
I have noticed people like to get close to those in places of power and notoriety hoping that proximity will give them a similar power, leverage or an impression they are somehow on the inside. I know this because like most of you reading these words we have all done...
by Garris Elkins | May 5, 2019 | Change, Courage, Culture, Deliverance, Discernment, Dreams, Faith, Faithfulness, Favor, Future, Integrity, Mercy, Miracles, Promotion, Worship
Run your race of faith with integrity. The finish line is still a long way off. You will be rewarded for your obedience even though the natural odds are stacked against you. What seems obvious at this stage in the race will not be the final outcome. God is...
by Garris Elkins | May 4, 2019 | Discipline, Favor, Holiness, Holy Spirit, Integrity, Justice, Marriage, Mercy, Promotion, Relationships, Spiritual Warfare, Truth, Worship
Today, Jan and I were lying in bed in the early morning darkness having a conversation. During our conversation, we heard a voice speak to us from somewhere in our bedroom. It was Siri, the robotic voice on Jan’s iPhone. Siri said, “Hmm…I don’t know what that...
by Garris Elkins | Apr 29, 2019 | Discipleship, Dreams, Faith, Family, Fathers, Future, Grace, Identity, Kingdom, Leadership, Love, Promise, Promotion, Prophecy, Relationships, Transition
Last night, I was invited along with a group of other men to honor a young man on his 12th birthday. It was a rite of passage. After a dinner of the young man’s choice – BBQ hamburgers – we went outside and sat around an open fire pit. Each of us was asked to...
by Garris Elkins | Apr 25, 2019 | Dreams, Faithfulness, Favor, Fear, Future, Grace, Hope, Mercy, Promise, Promotion, Provision, Rest, Trust
Once God makes a promise to you that promise will never be able to escape even when it seems to have disappeared from your sight. God has a plan to reconnect you with His promise and experience the joy of its fulfillment. I watched a YouTube video showing a police...