by Garris Elkins | Feb 3, 2020 | Discernment, Discipleship, Discipline, Holy Spirit, Prayer, Prophecy, Prophetic, Revelation
A prophecy was delivered by the late Bob Jones, noting that when the Kansas City Chiefs win the Super Bowl, it will mark the beginning of a revival. For some, prophetic words spark a negative knee-jerk response. No matter how accurate a prophet might be, there will...
by Garris Elkins | Jan 29, 2020 | Five-fold, Five-Fold Ministry, Ministry, Prophecy, Prophetic
There are times, especially when we are new to the things of the Spirit, that we try to find “our gift.” At those early stages, there is nothing wrong with that pursuit. A problem can emerge later on when we become overly focused and enamored with our particular gift...
by Garris Elkins | Jan 24, 2020 | Church, Deliverance, Destiny, Prophecy, Spirit, Spiritual Warfare, Supernatural
From time-to-time, I will hear a simple phrase in my spirit that I know is the Lord speaking. This morning, I heard the words “keeper of the keys.” When I heard those words, I also received an expanded application. The phrase is a reminder for each of us who carry the...
by Garris Elkins | Jan 8, 2020 | Discernment, Discipleship, Discipline, Faithfulness, Future, Integrity, Leadership, Prophecy, Prophetic, Restoration, Revelation, Spiritual Warfare, Teaching, Truth, Wisdom
If we create a message hoping our audience will accept what we share, and if acceptance becomes our primary motivation, we will eventually compromise truth to hold onto our audience. At some point, we have all been guilty of this transgression. Humility, honesty, and...
by Garris Elkins | Dec 28, 2019 | Prophecy, Revelation
In the remaining days of 2019, you will be invited to look back over the events of the last year. Publications and newscasts will have special end-of-year reports. While a review has some merit, God is asking many of us to look ahead into 2020 and see the coming year...
by Garris Elkins | Dec 19, 2019 | Freedom, Future, Prophecy, Prophetic, Revelation
For years, I have been hiking a section of trails above our home and today, I noticed a new sign. It was just put in place by those who manage the trail system. As soon as I snapped a picture, the Lord impressed on me, the sign was a metaphor for something He wanted...