by Garris Elkins | May 19, 2019 | Creativity, Discernment, Discipleship, Dreams, Future, Honor, Kingdom, Leadership, Mercy, Promise, Restoration, Revival, Vision.
New is not better. New is different. We have the tendency to think that our turn at the helm navigated the ship of our ministry into its most unique ports. While that sounds good, it is a limited view of God and the future. Something about God is new each morning, and...
by Garris Elkins | May 15, 2019 | Courage, Discernment, Dreams, Favor, Future, Peace, Revelation, Supernatural, Vision., Wisdom, Women
This morning, I am waiting at a car dealership to get our car serviced. While waiting, I went to use the restroom. Once inside, I realized the familiar male-oriented fixtures were not present. In the one tenth of a second it took me to realize my error, I flew out of...
by Garris Elkins | May 14, 2019 | Apostle, Culture, Discernment, Grace, Honor, Humility, Integrity, Justice, Leadership, Ministry, Promotion, Relationships, Spiritual Warfare, Supernatural, Vision.
I have noticed people like to get close to those in places of power and notoriety hoping that proximity will give them a similar power, leverage or an impression they are somehow on the inside. I know this because like most of you reading these words we have all done...
by Garris Elkins | May 6, 2019 | Favor, Future, God, Grace, Hope, Mercy, Promise, Prophecy, Prophetic, Revival, Truth, Vision.
The fulfillment of prophetic words spoken hundreds and even thousands of years ago are arriving at this moment in history. These words were spoken in a distant time and place intended for delivery at this time in our lives. The prophets who uttered these words had no...
by Garris Elkins | May 3, 2019 | Change, Church, Courage, Deliverance, Discernment, Faithfulness, Favor, Fear, Future, Hope, Peace, Provision, Tranistion, Vision., Worship
When Jan and I moved to southern Oregon 20 years ago, we spent our days off driving around the area looking for a home to purchase. In our initial search, we found a nice home on some acreage in the hills. While talking with the owner everything seemed well planned...
by Garris Elkins | Apr 30, 2019 | Deliverance, Discernment, Freedom, Justice, Leadership, Prophecy, Reformation, Restoration, Spiritual Warfare, Supernatural, Vision., Wisdom
For several weeks, I have been hearing the words “collapsing scaffolding” in my spirit. Throughout human history, the scaffolding of lies has been erected over the face of God like construction scaffolding is placed over the front of a building in an attempt to...