Every End Is A Beginning

by | Nov 22, 2014 | Change, Courage, Destiny, Dreams, Faith, Favor, Fear, Freedom, Joy, Promise, Provision, Redemption, Trust | 0 comments

For every ending – the end of a relationship, the death of a ministry or the collapse of a dream – there exists a new beginning.  These unexpected new beginnings can be forced upon us by a circumstance of life or by our own poor choices. God will use these devastating endings as a vehicle to take you into a new and hope-filled future fully known by Him, but unexplored by you.

Resist the invitation by those who do not believe in your new future to have you return with them to the old patterns of life and unbelief that caused your situation to fall apart in the first place.  You are hungry for a fresh start.  Feed that hunger with a feast of God’s presence. His presence will be your source of strength and nourishment for the coming journey into your new beginning.


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