Understanding the In-Between Moments

Today, Jan and I were on a conference call with two dear friends who work on the cutting edge of Kingdom innovation. During our call, we talked of a sense we have that we have entered an in-between moment in history where the future is not yet fully defined. This...

Deception is on the Skids

For the last month, I have been dreaming more than normal. Some of these dreams contain instruction and insight from the Spirit. Last night, I heard the words “on the skids.” When I heard the phrase, I saw a large black box on rails slowly moving toward a destination....

Astounding Outcomes

The revelation of truth by God’s Spirit is not hindered by doctored social media algorithms or filtered news reporting. The Spirit can move through all human attempts at restriction, control, and manipulation as if they were not present.  The Lord will...

A Rollercoaster Ride of Faith

This morning, I experienced a sensation like I did the first time I rode a roller coaster. I believe the Lord brought the memory back to prepare me for the future. The first time I rode a rollercoaster was on the Santa Cruz Boardwalk in California. I was about eight...

Prevailing Truth

A living faith will challenge the ever-darkening norms of culture. The primary opposition to a living faith comes simply because it exists. If that faith were to speak out and express a divergent opinion, it would be attacked and demeaned in an attempt to silence any...