The Gateway into God’s Secret Garden

by | Jun 27, 2019 | Prophetic | 0 comments

This week we installed a gate on a doorway that will lead into an area on our property we call The Secret Garden. I went to town to get a set of hinges for the gate. The hinges I brought back were overly large for such a project. They could hold a gate many times larger than the one we were installing.

When I held the large hinges in my hands, the Lord began to speak. 

“I have increased your ability to carry the weight of a fresh anointing. The challenges in the past season have been preparatory. I have been preparing you and hanging new hinges on your life – hinges able to carry the increased weight of the gateway that will lead you into a new anointing for a new adventure in My of Kingdom.”

I knew this word was not just for Jan and me. The coming season will reveal to many of you a hidden Secret Garden of God’s presence and purpose. A gateway of opportunity into this new place has been prepared and it is about to swing open up before you. You will hear the Lord say, “This is the way, walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21).


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