The sunset you are experiencing is about to
become a sunrise. What you thought was
ending will become a beginning. God is
the one in charge of the finality of all things. He alone has the final say – not you, your
doubters or your circumstances.
God is asking you to not give up. All the natural indicators are telling you this
should be a time of resignation to an inevitable conclusion. You are not called
to live in subjection to what appears to be the natural outcome of any
circumstance or relationship. You are called to see and live with faith and
The situation before you seems to be emitting
the last rays of its existence. You are
beginning to wonder why the promise you have been contending for seems to be
disappearing over the horizon line. You
have been called to keep looking. This
is your act of faith. Just when you
think the last ray of hope is gone God will reverse this entire situation and
resurrect it into something new. God is
about to change your sunset into a sunrise and you will see a new day birthed
with a promise of hope you never thought possible.