The greatest moves of God have taken place beyond the limiting familiarity of personal history, tradition and preference. This is why when a revival arrives it can appear out of control and uncomfortable to some. The challenge produced by living within the walls of our personal history, tradition and preference is the familiarity they produce. We want a repeat of what we understand. God wants to do something radically new. He does not promise that we will understand everything taking place in every new season of life. This need to understand is why we can become suspect of things taking place beyond the boundaries of our familiarity.
The prophet Isaiah said, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19) The new thing God wants to do requires a new level of perception – the ability to see beyond what is known and familiar. When God births something new it will appear as unexpectedly as a freshly cut path through an impenetrable forest or as unusual as a stream supernaturally birthed and flowing in a place historically known only as a desert.