by Garris Elkins | Jun 5, 2020 | Change, Church, Courage, Deliverance, Favor, Future, Relationships, Trust, Wisdom, Worship
This morning, the Lord gave me two different words to share with those to whom they might apply. The first paragraph has to do with seeking direction from the Lord. The second is about coming change within existing relationships. DIRECTION: You have come this far by...
by Garris Elkins | May 23, 2020 | Deliverance, Discipline, Favor, Five-fold, Freedom, Honor, Relationships
Prophet Wanda Alger recently shared a word that caught my attention, challenged me, and brought clarity to some of what is taking place in this unique moment of history, “Though your love for me is strong, your love for acceptance is stronger. Though your...
by Garris Elkins | May 17, 2020 | Courage, Favor, Future, Joy
In the last hour, I was thinking about a couple of good friends who are making a significant change in their lives. The Lord gave me a word for them. While it was a specific word of encouragement, the Lord said, “This word is for others. It has a wider application.”...
by Garris Elkins | May 6, 2020 | Change, Church, Discernment, Discipleship, Favor, Future, Leadership, Pride
Our social isolation will soon come to an end. During this time, we have experienced the cessation of forward motion. What was normal came to a standstill. That lack of felt movement and the accompanying sense of isolation can cause areas of personal dysfunction, not...
by Garris Elkins | Apr 20, 2020 | Dreams, Family, Favor, God, Grace, Identity, Provision, Relationships, Restoration, Worship
Take a moment and recapture a fond memory. It is a healing exercise. I just did, and a strange and beautiful peace entered my mind pushing aside some of the concerns I have picked up of late. As a young boy, I remember going fishing with my dad and riding in his...
by Garris Elkins | Apr 19, 2020 | Family, Father, Favor, God
This is a photo of two of my favorite females. Jan is holding our new puppy named Ladybug. The pup is the result of a romantic encounter between a Labradoodle mom and an Australian Shepherd father. This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago. I like it because Jan and...